Thursday, March 10, 2011

Taking a Day... and some News

Hello out there!
It's me, oneshabbychick... remember me?

I'm shouting a hello from this comfy spot on the sofa...
because I am taking a day... a "mental health day", as I like to call them...
the kind of day-off you take because if you don't you are going to crack...

I wanted nothing more than to do something new and exciting on this here blog today...
but then today actually came...

and with 9 days in a row of performances and rehearsals behind me {and tonight's #10}...
not to mention laundry, breakfast, lunch and dinner, etc. etc.
and allergies kicking my you-know-what...
something's gotta give.

So I'm taking a bath and catching up on some guilty pleasures...{glee, anyone?}
and taking care of what really needs my attention today...

But, I can't wait to get back to oneshabbychick-ing.

....oh, BTW, guess what?

You, my dear friends, have pushed me into the triple-digit category in the peeps dept...
yup, 100 followers!

And where there is a Blogging Milestone...
there is a Giveaway!!!

So, stay-tuned...
 for the Big 100 oneshabbychick Giveaway... 
{until I finally figure out what could be worthy of such an occasion}

yours in all things shabby...



  1. Congrats on reaching #100! And enjoy your day off.

  2. We all need a day of R & R. With this rainy weather we are having I keep a headache. I am a florist and have flowers to deliver and a lot of the back country roads where I need to go are flooded or too muddy to travel. There is always tomorrow!!! Rest and Relax. Congrats on 100 followers. I am getting close too!!! ~~Sherry~~

  3. I love mental health days! Nothing like kicking back with a pile of new magazines and taking care of business! Congrats on reaching a "Blogging" milestone!

  4. Congrats on reach 100 followers! Whoo hoo!

  5. Oh that is AWESOME - 100 followers! You are on your way, mamacita.

    Enjoy your day of rest. You deserve it! Oh, Glee... can't get enough. I am also mad for Modern Family. Two best shows on TV, (IMHO).

  6. Thanks y'all. Feels good to hit 100! Still working on the r&r... may need to take additional days! Turns out all mental capacity has exited the brain through my sinuses.....
    Iris, I am dying to get hooked on MF. Have heard I'll love it, but haven't had time! Put it on my Toodledo list ;-)

  7. It sounds lovely that someone took a mental health day.


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